diumenge, 27 de gener del 2008

Un nou poema de Billy Collins.

He robat la idea del blog d'en Jorge Brotons (Entrada del 24 de gener de 2008), però he trobat que aquesta animació, a part de bona, donava una nova dimensió al poema... o potser a la manera de compartir-lo. Desconec a quin llibre pertany el poema, en tot cas disfruteu-lo.

The dead are always looking down on us, they say.
while we are putting on our shoes or making a sandwich, ,
they are looking down through the glass bottom boats of heaven
as they row themselves slowly through eternity.

They watch the tops of our heads moving below on earth,
and when we lie down in a field or on a couch,
drugged perhaps by the hum of a warm afternoon,
they think we are looking back at them,
which makes them lift their oars and fall silent
and wait, like parents, for us to close our eyes.

Bona nit, dolços somnis, que tingueu una bona setmana.