dissabte, 25 de gener del 2014

Vaig descobrir Daniel Johnston no fa gaires anys, quan vaig veure un documental escruixidor al canal 33 sobre la seva vida, "The devil and Daniel Johnston".

Johnston no va arribar a ser mai un cantant de pop famós, entre d' altres coses perquè va tenir un transtorn mental sever.  El documental es deia the

Amb poquíssims mitjans les seves cançons en unes cintes de cassete que tenien unes portades precioses, vegeu la caràtula de "Hi, how are you (1983)".

I si, certament, els enregistraments de Jonhston són el "Low fidelity" més autènic i per definició: No hi ha a penes producció o ni n'hi ha en absolut,  Johnston no canta bé, els instruments poden estar desafinada i si, les lletres són naïf... però a mi m'agraden.

Deixo aquí dues cançonetes de Johnston enllaçades: True love

True love will find you in the end,
you'll find out just who was your friend.
So don't be sad, I know you will,
but don't give up until
true love finds you in the end

This is a promise with a catch,
only if you're looking will it find you.
'Cause true love is searching too,
but how can it recognize you
unless you step out into the light?

But don't give up until
True love finds you in the end

Don't want to be free of hope,
and I'm at the end of my rope,
it's so tough just to be alive,
when i feel like the living dead.

I'm giving it up so plain,
I'm living my life in vain
and where am i going to?
I got to really try,
try so hard to get by,
and where am i going to?

I don't know where is up or down,
and there ain't any love left around,
everybody wearin' a frown
waiting for santa to come to town.

You're giving it up so plain,
you're living your lives in vain
and where are you going to?
You've got to really try,
try so hard to get by
and where are you going to?

Flip on your TV
and try to make sense of that,
if we were all in the movies
maybe we wouldn't be so bored.

We're giving it up so plain,
we're living our lives in vain
and where are we going to?
You gotta really try,
try so hard to get by
and where are you going to?

goodbye, goodbye...

Estimo allò que que és petit, i el que ens crèixer.

Dolços somnis, bona nit.